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Language Configuration

Creating custom scoreboards

You can create custom scoreboards per Arena Groups. So, let's suppose you have an arena group called 4v4v4v4, then you can create a custom scoreboard for the arenas using this arena group. You can edit the scoreboard for each arena state (waiting, starting, playing). So let's suppose you want to have a custom playing scoreboard. Just go in the language file, under the scoreboard section and add yur arena group name and under it, the arena status name:

- "&f&lBED WARS"
- "&7{date}"
- ""
- "{TeamRedColor}&lB&f {TeamRedName}&f: {TeamRedStatus}"
- "{TeamBlueColor}&lB&f {TeamBlueName}&f: {TeamBlueStatus}"
- "{TeamGreenColor}&lG&f {TeamGreenName}&f: {TeamGreenStatus}"
- "{TeamYellowColor}&lY &f{TeamYellowName}&f: {TeamYellowStatus}"
- ""
- "&6{server_ip}"

Player list configuration

It is possible to add multiple lines to the header and footer of the player list by adding more lines as shown below. Make sure to add |- on the first row.

lobby: |-
just put anything.
&bplaying on: &a{serverIp}
And you dont need to use quotes like this: ""

scoreboard_example_multiline.png All placeholders that are listed under Global Placeholders are supported.

Scoreboard placeholders

Team placeholers:

Using team placeholders is easy. Let's suppose that you have a team called Bread, then your team's placeholders are:

  • {TeamBreadColor} - shows the team color.
  • {TeamBreadName} - shows the team name.
  • {TeamBreadStatus} - shows the team status. (alive, dead etc.)

An easier alternative is using {team} placeholder which will take the team format from the message at path: format-sb-team-generic (by default {TeamColor}{TeamLetter}&f {TeamName}: {TeamStatus}). This placeholder can be used in multiple lines and it will iterate the team list of the arena and will asign it a team. When the placeholder is used more than team list size the scoreboard line with {team} in it will be skipped.

Upgrade placeholders:

Upgrades are divided in tiers each upgrade will have a corresponding line containing the cost and currency and the tier color, this makes the tier show up as purchased or not. All variables mentioned below are gathered from upgrades2.yml.

  • {tier_x_color} - changes the color based on purchased or not.
  • {tier_x_cost} - shows the cost of the upgrade.
  • {tier_x_currency} - shows the currency used to buy the upgrade.

When adding a tier to upgrades2.yml you should add another line in each of the language files used. and replace the x with the corresponding tier number.

Global placeholders:
  • {date} - shows the date with the player's date format taken from his language file.
  • {level} - shows the player level. Does not auto-refresh.
  • {levelUnformatted} - shows the plain player level without formatting. Does not auto-refresh.
  • {currentXp} - shows the player's current xp. Does not auto-refresh.
  • {requiredXp} - shows the required xp to rankup. Does not auto-refresh.
  • {progress} - shows the progress bar. Does not auto-refresh.
  • {losses} - shows the player's losses. Does not auto-refresh.
  • {kills} - shows the player's total kills (when not used in game). Does not auto-refresh.
  • {player} - shows the player name.
  • {deaths} - shows the player's total deaths (when not used in game). Does not auto-refresh.
  • {money} - shows the player's money (Vault).
  • {finalKills} - show player's total final kills (when not used in game). Does not auto-refresh.
  • {finalDeaths} - show player's total final deaths (when not used in game). Does not auto-refresh.
  • {bedsDestroyed} - show total beds destroyed by player (when not used in game). Does not auto-refresh.
  • {wins} - show the number of games won by player.
  • {on} - show the number of players on the server (when not used in game).
  • {serverIp} - shows the server IP taken from config.yml.
  • {server} - shows the server ID taken from config.yml.
  • {version} - shows the plugin version.
In Game placeholders:
  • {deaths} - shows the player's deaths in current game (when used in game).
  • {kills} - shows the player's kills in current game (when used in game).
  • {finalKills} - show player's final kills in current game (when used in game).
  • {beds} - show beds destroyed by player in current game (when used in game).
  • {on} - show the number of players in current game (when used in game).
  • {map} - shows the map name of the current arena.
  • {max} - shows the slots of the current arena.
  • {time} - shows the time remaining before the arena starts.
  • {nextEvent} - shows the Next Event of the game (Generator upgrades, Beds destroy etc.).
  • {time} - shows the time when the Next Event will happen.
  • {group} - shows the arena group in the waiting lobby.
  • {map_name} - the map you're playing on (for arena display name use {map}).
  • {team} and {teamColor} - shows the player team and its corresponding colors on the teleporter.
Kill/Bed-Destroy Message placeholders:
  • {PlayerColor} - shows the player's team color.
  • {PlayerName} - shows the name of the player .
  • {PlayerNameUnformatted} - shows the name of the player without formatting.
  • {KillerColor} - shows the color of the killer's team.
  • {PlayerTeamName} - shows the name of the player's team.
  • {KillerName} - shows the name of the killer.
  • {KillerNameUnformatted} - shows the name of the killer without formatting.
  • {KillerTeamName} - shows the name of the killer's team.

Animations and timers

For more configuration options check the config.yml wiki.

Custom title/ sub-title for arena countdown

You can add a custom title for certain second by adding this to the language file arena-start-countdown-title-[second] where [second] can be 4 etc. For adding a custom subTitle use this path: arena-start-countdown-subtitle-[second]. Available placeholder: {second}.

Countdown titles and subtitles are shown when the current second is currentSecond % 10 == 0 || currentSecond <= 5.