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Upgrades Configuration

The upgrades2.yml file contains the configuration for the Upgrades NPC.


For a list of materials, sounds, and potions, check the resources page

Upgrades Main Menu

The default path is default-upgrades-settings. This is a list of content to be displayed in the GUI. default stands for arena group, so if your arena group doesn't have a custom <groupName>-upgrades-settings it will use the default one. You can use a category or an element in multiple upgrade menus.

When creating custom menus you should create the elements and then add them to the correct menu-content for the arena group you wish to change.

- category-name1,1
- upgrade-name1,2 #The integer after comma is the slot where to place the content in the Upgrades GUI.
- separator-name1,5,6,7 #Multiple commas to put the element in multiple slots.
# The first trap the team buys will have this price. (If the target trap haven't got a fixed price).
trap-start-price: 2
# Once a team buys a trap the trap-start-price will be incremented with this price. 2+2=4 next 4+2 etc.
trap-increment-price: 2
# Currency types: emerald, diamond, iron, gold, vault (for money)
trap-currency: diamond
# trap queue limit
trap-queue-limit: 3

Creating a custom menu for your arena group:


The following steps are also applicable to category-<name> (custom shop categories) and upgrade-<name> (custom upgrades). Make sure to follow the correct naming method. When creating arena group specific upgrades make you add them under menu-content within the newly created <name>-upgrade-settings configuration.

  1. First of all make sure to read the example above. When creating a custom menu you can replace default with the name of your arena group
  2. Create a new line in upgrades.yml and write <groupName>-upgrades-settings: where <groupName> is your arena group (example: solo, doubles).
  3. Now add elements to your category like wrote above, under menu-content. It is best to copy paste the default settings and make changes as needed.
  4. Finally, you select a slot to put the upgrade button in. This number is behind the menu-content item and seperated by , (comma).


- category-name1,10
- category-name2,11
- upgrade-name3,12
# The first trap the team buys will have this price. (If the target trap haven't got a fixed price).
trap-start-price: 2
# Once a team buys a trap the trap-start-price will be incremented with this price. 2+2=4 next 4+2 etc.
trap-increment-price: 2
# Currency types: emerald, diamond, iron, gold, vault (for money)
trap-currency: diamond
# trap queue limit
trap-queue-limit: 3

Upgrades Category

Category sections are identified with category-<name>. Example: category-enchant. It requires the following attributes:

# This is the category item in the menu.
# This is the material type.
# Check the links bellow for a list of materials.
material: IRON_SWORD
# Data is used for version 1.12 or older.
# It is a number that usually indicates the item color.
data: 0
# The amount of stacked items.
amount: 1
# Set to true/ false to give the enchantment effect.
enchanted: false
# These are the elements displayed when you open this category.
# You can only use upgrade and separator elements.
- upgrade-name1,4 #Add a comma followed by a number to specify the slot where to put the element.
- separator-name5,1,2,3 #Add multiple numbers separated by comma to put the element in multiple slots.

Upgrade Element

Upgrade elements are the most important as they define what an upgrade does. Upgrade sections are identified with upgrade-<name>. Example: upgrade-enchant-1. Within 1 upgrade path you can add multiple tiers, theirs can be added by adding a new element with tier-x and replacing x with the correct number. It requires the following attributes:

# Even if your upgrade element does not have tiers, or better, it has a single tier
# your options go under `tier-1`. For the next tier add a new line called `tier-2`
# and so on.
# Display item is the item that represent this tier
# in a menu or in a category.
# Each tier has a display item.
# This is the material type.
# Check the links bellow for a list of materials.
material: IRON_SWORD
# Data is used for version 1.12 or older.
# It is a number that usually indicates the item color.
data: 0
# The amount of stacked items.
amount: 1
# Set to true/ false to give the enchantment effect.
enchanted: false
# How much does this cost
cost: 10
# Currency types: emerald, diamond, iron, gold, vault (for money)
currency: vault
# Receive is the part where you define what this
# upgrade does. Paths under this category can't have custom names.
# The names used under this define what it does.
#You can add the same element name multiple times.

# Add enchant-item under receive if you want to enchant some items for the entire team.
## Syntax: 'enchant-item:enchant type,amplifier,apply'
## enchant type list:
## amplifier is like -> Sharpness 2 where 2 stands for amplifier
## apply is where to apply the enchantment. Types: sword, armor, bow
- 'enchant-item: DAMAGE_ALL,1,sword'

# Add player-effect in the list if you want to give players potion effects.
# Syntax: 'player-effect:effect type,amplifier,time_seconds,apply'
## effect types list:
## amplifier is like Haste I -> where 1 stands for amplifier
## time is seconds and tells how long to keep the effect. 0 for infinite, used for base effect.
## apply types:
## team - applied to your teamt
## base - for teammates when they are on base
- 'player-effect: FAST_DIGGING,1,0,team'

# Add generator-edit in the list if you want to upgrade team generators.
# Syntax: 'generator-edit:generator type,spawn delay,amount,limit'
## generator types are: iron, gold, emerald
## spawn delay is the delay in seconds between spawning items
## amount is the amount of items spawned at once
## limit tells the generator when to pause spawning items if the are not collected
- 'generator-edit: gold,2,2,42'

## Add a dragon in the list to define how many dragons will have the team on game end.
# Syntax: 'dragon:amount'
## Where amount is the dragons count.
- 'dragon: 2'

Base Trap

Base traps are triggered when enemies enter your island. Base Trap sections are identified with base-trap- + name. Example: base-trap-1. Required attributes:

# Display item is the item that represent this tier
# in a menu or in a category.
# Each tier has a display item.
# This is the material type.
# Check the links bellow for a list of materials.
material: IRON_SWORD
# Data is used for version 1.12 or older.
# It is a number that usually indicates the item color.
data: 0
# The amount of stacked items.
amount: 1
# Set to true/ false to give the enchantment effect.
enchanted: false

# Cost is OPTIONAL
# Traps without a cost will have the price based on "trap-increment-price"
cost: 10

# Currency types: emerald, diamond, iron, gold, vault (for money)
# Currency is OPTIONAL
currency: vault

# Use custom messages for this trap.
# Message paths will be generated after a server restart in each language file.
custom-announce: false

# Use a custom sound for this trap.
# Traps without a sound set will use ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT.

# Receive is the part where you define what this
# upgrade does. Paths under this category can't have custom names.
# The names used under this define what it does.
#You can add the same element name multiple times.

# Add disenchant-item under receive if you want to disenchant some items for the entering enemy.
## Syntax: 'enchant-item:enchant type,apply'
## enchant type list:
## apply is where to apply the enchantment. Types: sword, armor, bow
- 'disenchant-item: DAMAGE_ALL,sword'

# Add player-effect in the list if you want to give potion effects.
# Syntax: 'player-effect:effect type,amplifier,time_seconds'
## effect types list:
## amplifier is like Haste I -> where 1 stands for amplifier
## time is seconds and tells how long to keep the effect. 0 for infinite, used for base effect.
## apply types:
## team - applied to your teamt
## base - for teammates when they are on base
## enemy - to enemies when they enter your island range
- 'player-effect: SPEED,1,0,team'
- 'player-effect: HASTE,1,0,enemy'

## Add this to remove potion effects when a enemy enter your island range.
# Syntax: 'remove-effect: effect type'
## Effect type is the effect to be removed.
- 'remove-effect: INVISIBILITY'

# Add command under receive if you want to execute a command when bought.
# Syntax: command: dispatchType, command string here
# Dispatch types:
# ONCE_AS_CONSOLE - will run the command a single time as console
# FOREACH_MEMBER_AS_CONSOLE - will execute the command foreach player as console
# FOREACH_MEMBER_AS_PLAYER - will execute the command foreach player as player
# Placeholders:
# {buyer} buyer name, {buyer_uuid} for buyer uuid
# {team} for team identifier, {team_display} for team display name
# {team_color} for team color, {arena} for arena identifier
# {arena_display} for arena display name, {arena_world} for worldName
# {arena_group} for arena group name.
# Placeholders when executing foreach player:
# {player} for current player name, {player_uuid} for current player UUID.
# DO NOT USE space after comma (,)
- 'command: FOREACH_MEMBER_AS_CONSOLE,give {player} diamond 20'

Trap Preview Slot

This is the item shown on trap slots. This will be replaced with trap items when they are active. They are identified by trap-slot- + name. Required attributes:

# This is the material type.
# Check the links bellow for a list of materials.
material: IRON_SWORD
# Data is used for version 1.12 or older.
# It is a number that usually indicates the item color.
data: 0
# The amount of stacked items.
amount: 1
# Set to true/ false to give the enchantment effect.
enchanted: false

Separator Element

Separators are simple items added for design purpose. They are identified by separator- + name. Required attributes:

# on-click will execute a command as player when a player will click on it.
# bw upgrades menu can only be used when you are near the upgrades NPC.
# placeholders {player} - player name, {team} - team name
- 'bw upgradesmenu'
- 'something'
# This is the material type.
# Check the links bellow for a list of materials.
material: IRON_SWORD
# Data is used for version 1.12 or older.
# It is a number that usually indicates the item color.
data: 0
# The amount of stacked items.
amount: 1
# Set to true/ false to give the enchantment effect.
enchanted: false