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Main Config

This page contains the documentation about the config.yml file located in plugins/BedWars1058.

Make sure you're using the right material name when changing item materials in config.

For a list of materials, sounds, and potions, check the resources page

# There are 4 choices for this option:
# 1. MULTIARENA it means that you can run multiple arenas on a single paper/spigot server instance.
# 2. SHARED it means that you can run multiple arenas on a single paper/spigot server instance
# which have other minigames on it. Lobby world is not protected by BedWars1058 in this case.
# 3. BUNGEE allows you to run multiple arenas on a single server and to keep them connected to an external
# lobby. When a game starts the arena is cloned (auto-scale) in order to have always free arenas.
# 4. BUNGEE_LEGACY it means that you can run a single arena on a paper/single spigot server.
# When you join the server it will add you to the arena. Server motd is changed based on the arena status.
serverType: MULTIARENA

# This is used as default language for your BedWars server.
# It is "language: en" by default. It means that English is the default message for your server and it takes
# messages from "plugins/BedWars1058/Languages/messages_en.yml".
# You can add your own language to the server by creating a new `yml` file.
# Let's suppose you want to add the Romanian language. Create a new file called "messages_ro.yml",
# copy the messages from "messages_en.yml" and then translate them.
# If you want to set Romanian as the default server language set this option to "language: ro".
# Players can do "/bw lang en" to receive messages, GUIs and holograms in their preferred language.
# This won't affect the others players.
language: en

# This is the place where you can put your donation link.
# When players try to join full arenas they'll receive a message saying that they can donate for VIP KICK
# permission in order to join full arenas and this link will be opened in browser if they click on the message.

# This is the server connected to your bungee network where players are teleported at the end of the game if
# serverType is set to BUNGEE. It is also used for the "Back to lobby" item in serverType MULTIARENA.
lobbyServer: hub

# Set this option to true if you want the chat to be global.
# Players from arenas and from the lobby will see all messages. Spectator messages are excluded.
globalChat: false

#Se this option to true if you want BedWars1058 to manage the chat format.
formatChat: true

# Set this to true in order to receive debug messages in the console.
# This option is usually used by the developer in order to detect issues in the plugin.
#debug: false

# Rich scoreboard configuration.
# Sidebar configuration. Right side scoreboard.
# Enable multi-arena lobby scoreboard
enable-lobby-sidebar: true
# Enable game scoreboard (waiting/starting/playing/restarting)
enable-game-sidebar: true
# Scoreboard title refresh interval.
# Time in ticks. Set to 0 to disable.
title-refresh-interval: 2
# Scoreboard placeholders refresh interval
# Time in ticks. Set to 0 to disable.
# Refresh is still triggered when a bed is destroyed/ and a player/ team is eliminated.
placeholders-refresh-interval: 20

# Tab list options
# Tab list formatting enable/ disable
format-lobby-list: true
format-waiting-list: true
format-starting-list: true
format-playing-list: true
format-restarting-list: true
# Tab list annimation refresh
# Time in ticks. 0 to disable.
names-refresh-interval: 100

# In game health settings
display-in-tab: true
#Tab list annimation refresh
# Time in ticks. 0 to disable.
animation-refresh-interval: 80

# Party settings
# Set this to true if you want to allow parties on the server so friends can join the same team.
allow-parties: true
# This will enable default /party command
enable-party-cmd: true
# Minimum required rank to choose an arena if using AlessioDP Parties
alessioDP-choose-arena-rank: 10

# This configuration section contains settings only for BUNGEE serverType.
# Ignore this section if your server is not BUNGEE.
# This value is a counter. After this amount of games played the server will be restarted to prevent lags.
# Set to 1 for restarting arenas after every game.
# Set to -1 or 0 to disable the arena restarting.
# If you are using the arena as level-name with games-before-restart > 1
# it will create a void map and will use it as main world just because it is required
# and Minecraft doesn't allow to unload the main world (required for world restore)
games-before-restart: 30

# This is the command executed at the end of the game when games-before-restart is reached.
restart-cmd: restart

# Don't touch this unless you know what you're doing.
# This is the server name in bungeecord config.
# Required to allow players to join in BUNGEE mode.
server-id: bw1

# Don't touch this unless you know what you're doing.
# This is the lobby server ip + BedWarsProxy Plugin's port if you are using
# it in your lobby server. The port it's not the server's port. It is the
# port located in plugins/BedWarsProxy/config.yml

# Waiting time in milliseconds for a player to be moved from BedWarsProxy to a
# remote game through bungee. If it takes longer than this the player will not be
# added to the selected game.
bwp-time-out: 5000

# This configuration section contains countdowns in seconds used for the gameplay.
# The countdown in seconds for the game start when the minimum amount of players is reached.
game-start-regular: 40

# This countdown is used when the arena is half full
game-start-half-arena: 25

# This is the wait time before restarting the arena.
# It is used reight before finding a winner.
game-restart: 15

# This countdown is used when the arena has reached the maximum amount of players and it should start faster.
game-start-shortened: 10

# This countdown will destroy the beds. It starts when all the generators are MAXED.
next-event-beds-destroy: 360

# This countdown starts when next-event-beds-destroy finishes. This will spawn dragons.
next-event-dragon-spawn: 600

# This countdown starts after next-event-dragon-spawn was finished.
# At the end the arena will be restarted.
next-event-game-end: 120

# How often are players allowed to use /shoud, !shout or !message?
shout-cmd-cooldown: 30

# How long can a player stay disconnected before eliminate him. In seconds.
rejoin-time: 300

# How long to protect a player after he re-spawns. This will prevent others from
# killing him instantly at his spawn, but if the victim starts to hit others the
# protection will disappear. You should set this to at least 500 because it will
# protect the player from fall damage as well
(because on some servers they get fall damage at re-spawn).
# Time in milliseconds.
re-spawn-invulnerability: 3000

# TNT Jump feature settings
barycenter-alteration-in-y: 0.5
strength-reduction-constant: 3
y-axis-reduction-constant: 2
# damage -1 to disable custom damage
damage-self: 1
damage-teammates: 5
damage-others: 10

# fireball jump feature
#fireball explosion dimension
explosion-size: 3
#fireball speed
speed-multiplier: 10
#enable or disable fireball fire
make-fire: false
horizontal: 1.0
vertical: 0.65
# fireball cooldown (time in seconds)
cooldown: 0.5
# damage -1 to disable custom damage
self: 2.0
enemy: 2.0
teammates: 0.0

# Database settings
# Enable the MySQL database?
# It will use SQLite if disabled.
enable: false

# Ip/ DNS of database.
host: localhost

# Port of database.
port: 3306

# Database name
database: BedWars

# Database user
user: root

# User password
pass: bread

# Secured connection
ssl: false

# This is a list where you can add the languages that you aren't going to support
# on your server. Keep in mind that the language set at "language: x" option won't be
# disabled. To disable a language add its iso code to the list.
# The iso code is after the underscore: messages_en.yml -> iso: en
- ru
- es

# Set this to true if you want to disable those inventories.
# In lobby and in arenas.
disable-crafting-table: true
disable-enchanting-table: true
disable-furnace: true
disable-brewing-stand: true
disable-disable-anvil: true

# Options for a better performance
# Set this to false if you want to disable the generators rotation animation
# This will disable some tasks to reduce CPU usage
rotate-generators: true

# Set this to true if you want to disable the packets used when a player respawns.
# BedWars1058 uses them to fix possible invisibility issues.
disable-respawn-packets: false

# Set this to true if you want to disable the packets used to hide
# the player armor when he drinks a invisibility potion.
# Armor packets will be still used at respawn if disable-spawn-packets is set to false
disable-armor-packets: false

# Set this to true if you want to enable
# Paper async teleport
paper-features: true

# heal pool particles
# Set this to true if you want to enable
# heal pool particles
enable: true

# Set this to true if you want to enable
# heal pool particles only for your team
seen-by-team-only: true

# Arena selector GUI settings
# Ignore this section if your serverType is BUNGEE
# Arena selector gui slots
inv-size: 27

# Show arenas with playing status?
show-playing: true

# Slots where to put arenas
use-slots: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

# Display item-stack for arenas with waiting status
data: 5
enchanted: false

# Display item-stack for arenas with starting status
# Data values are ignored in 1.13+
data: 4
enchanted: false

# Display item-stack for arenas with playing status
material: RED_CONCRETE
# Data values are ignored in 1.13+
data: 14
enchanted: false

# Item-stack added in empty slots of the GUI
# Data values are ignored in 1.13+
data: 15
enchanted: false

# Options related to player stats GUI
# Inventory size, slots
inv-size: 27

# Statistic name
# You can add/ remove content with this structure to display your custom stats
# Messages are located in BedWars1058/Languages/messages_en.yml
# Restart your server to generate them paths (they will have "name not set" names)
# Messages will be located at: stats-name-name, stats-name-lore
# Example: for this case will be stats-wins-name
# Available placeholders for stats {kills}, {deaths}, {losses}, {wins}, {finalKills}, {fKills}
# {finalDeaths}, {gamesPlayed}, {firstPlay}, {lastPlay}, {player}
# Feel free to customize this GUI
material: DIAMOND
# Data values are ignored in 1.13+
data: 0
# Where to put this in the stats GUI
slot: 10

# This is a list of items that are given to the players when the game starts or when the player respawns.
# - The plugin will only give a sword if there are multiple swords in the list!
# - The plugin will only give a sword if the player doesn't already have one.
# in his inventory. The other items are given without checking any conditions.
#This is the the name of the arena group where to give the start items. If you don't know what is it,
# read about them
# Arenas without an given arena group will receive items from "Default". Start items are unbreakable!

# This option is a list of commands that you can run while playing. Add your allowed commands on it.
# Look on the permissions page for the bypass permission.
- shout
- bw
- leave

# This section allows you to change the void-tp feature. With minecraft 1.17 and above they changed the void height to -64.
# Here you can change the Y level the plugin checks to tp you back to spawn.
# You can also completely disable void-tp in the lobby.
# Enable disable void TP.
void-tp: true
# Void Y level. If a player gets below this level they will tp to spawn.
void-height: 0

# This configuration section contains options abut the items that you receive when you join the server.
# Ignore this configuration section if your serverType is BUNGEE.
# You can always remove or add new items under this category. They can execute commands.
# This command is executed when the player interacts with this item.
command: bw gui
material: CHEST
# Data values are ignored in 1.13+
data: 0
# Where to put in player's inventory
slot: 4

# This configuration section contains options abut the items that you receive when you join an arena.
# You can always remove or add new items under this category. They can execute commands.
# This command is executed when the player interacts with this item.
command: bw stats
# This will automatically get the player's head texture
material: PLAYER_HEAD
data: 0
# Where to put in player's inventory
slot: 0

# This configuration section contains options abut the items that you receive when you are a spectator.
# You can always remove or add new items under this category. They can execute commands.
# This command is executed when the player interacts with this item.
command: bw leave

material: RED_BED
# Data values are ignored in 1.13+
data: 0
# Where to put in player's inventory
slot: 0

# Allow generator splitting between teammates
enable-gen-split: true