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Parties Support

Parties by AlessioDP

BedWars1058 is providing Parties (by AlessioDP) support since version 0.8beta (API 11).

If players make a party and then join a BedWars game, BedWars1058 will put them in the same team.

Just install the Parties plugin on the BedWars server and that's it 😄. You can additionally configure the minimum party rank allowed to select an arena.

Party & Friends by Simonsator

BedWars1058 is providing Party & Friends Extended Edition for Spigot, Party & Friends Extended Edition for Bungeecord/Velocity, and Party & Friends for Bungeecord/Velocity(by simonsator) support since version 22.3.4.

Party & Friends Extended Edition for Spigot:

Just install the Party & Friends Extended Edition for Spigot plugin on the BedWars server and that's it 😄.

Party & Friends Extended Edition for Bungeecord/Velocity:

Just install the Party and Friends plugin on your Bungeecord or Velocity Server, and also install the Party API and Friends API on the arena and lobby(BwProxy) servers. And follow the setup to link the Party API to bungee. A redis or SQL server is required. If using Redis you will also need to install and configure Redis Bungee/Velocity

Party & Friends for Bungeecord (Free):

Just install the Party and Friends plugin on your Bungeecord or Velocity Server, and also install the Party API and Friends APIon the arena and lobby(BwProxy) servers. And follow the setup to link the Party API to bungee. A SQL server is required.