Creating Commands
If you want to create a command for your add-on like /bw mycmd
continue reading on this page.
1. Create a new class with extends com.andrei1058.bedwars.command.SubCommand
public class TutorialCommand extends SubCommand {
//Provide information about the command
public TutorialCommand(ParentCommand parent, String name) {
super(parent, name);
//Execute your code. return found will result command not found
public boolean execute(String[] args, CommandSender s) {
return false;
2. Now you have to provide some information about your command:
public TutorialCommand(ParentCommand parent, String name) {
super(parent, name);
// Is it a cmd for ops? False if you want it to be a public command.
setOpCommand(true); //false if you want it to be a public command
//Do you want to show it at /bw ?
//Only ops can see the cmds list
//Because the players receive a static list from messages file
//If you set this to true, you MUST add also setDisplayInfo()
//This is the command description at /bw
//It requires a TextComponent but if you don't know how to use it
//you can use com.andrei1058.bedwars.arena.Misc.msgHoverClick()
setDisplayInfo(Misc.msgHoverClick("description", "hover description",
"run this on click", ClickEvent.Action.RUN_COMMAND));
//This is the order used to show sub-commands at /bw
//The max value is 20
//Lower value to show it upper, higher value to show it on the bottom
//Set this to true if it is a command used for arena set-up
3. After that you can deal with your code:
public boolean execute(String[] args, CommandSender s) {
//this will send "cmd not found" msg to the console
if (!(s instanceof Player)) return false;
Player p = (Player) s;
if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("apple")){
p.getInventory().addItem(new ItemStack(Material.APPLE));
//the command was executed in its scope so return true
//again, return false will return command not found msg
return true;
4. Registering your sub-command:
All you have to do is to initialize the class.
public void onEnable() {
//Disable if pl not found
if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled("BedWars1058")) {
getLogger().severe("BedWars1058 was not found. Disabling...");
//Your command is: /bw tutorial apple
BedWars bedwarsAPI = Bukkit.getServicesManager().getRegistration(BedWars.class).getProvider();
new TutorialCommand(bedwarsAPI.getBedWarsCommand(), "tutorial");